Monday, April 23, 2012

H is for...

One of the things that we love most about being with Wycliffe Bible Translators is that our colleagues are a really interesting bunch of people.  And one of the most interesting things about them all is their occupations.  Within Wycliffe, we have made great friends with aviators, IT specialists, musicians, linguists, human resources managers, project managers, graphic artists, teachers, literacy specialists, librarians, theologians, doctors, nurses, anthropologists...even a crazed auto mechanic.

It is such a blast to see folks using their gifts and their passions for something much greater than themselves.  It's also fun to realize that a Bible translation is not just the product of a linguist doing their thing.  There is a host of people doing a myriad of jobs that God uses to make it all happen.  It's a lot like the picture of the Church as one body with many parts that's painted in I Corinthians 12:12-31.  In order to meet the goal of having translations begun in the 2000 remaining languages without scripture by the year 2025, Wycliffe and other organizations need people to fill lots of positions in lots of areas.  Here's a sampling of the positions needing to be filled.

As for ourselves, we are currently at about 66% of the monthly support that our family needs in order to head overseas in 2013.  If partnership is on your mind, see the link to the right.  Thanks!

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