Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bit by Bit

Miracles happen every day.  Most of the time we're too busy to notice.  This past week, we got to be a part of some of them, took notice and were downright floored.  Thank you for being part of what God is doing!

One day last week, I (Lori) was feeling a little insecure about all of this moving to Africa stuff.  It was hot...the kind of hot that we jokingly call 'Africa hot.'  All I wanted was to do was to stay inside and avoid the heat.  And my mind was working overtime of the details that still need to be dealt with before our January move.  I felt like crying.

At Bible study the next morning and at the park with a friend, I asked for prayers over progress with our financial partnership, about getting a self-study language program and about home-schooling stuff.  I know God has my back, but at the time I didn't feel it and asked for prayer from friends.

Then some little miracles happened.

That evening I opened an e-mail from a good friend.  As I read it, I really cried.  There it was.  God answered it all in one letter - just at the right time to give me a much needed hug from Him.  Thank you God!  Thank you Jessica for being his hands and feet!  And a few days later came another answer to prayer from other friends with a huge help toward our outgoing expenses.

But wait!  That’s not all!  On Tuesday, I asked my friend Carol to pray for our prayer calendar.  It was about 1/3 of the way full and we desire to be covered with prayer every day.  Before the day was through, seven more days were covered!  WOW!  The note on Facebook was 2 weeks old, but suddenly there were lots of responses.  With God, all things are possible.  Thank you God for listening to the prayers of your people.  And thank you Carol for asking for specifics - focused prayer is so very effective.

The Prayer Calendar Project, by the way, is something that we heard about from one of our colleagues at Wycliffe.  It is a tangible way to have people get involved with the prayer that needs to be behind the ministry.  We have decided to seek prayer warriors that would like to volunteer for either a specific date of each month or a particular day of each week to keep us in prayer.  And we will use this tool as a way to focus our prayer life by praying for those partners on their chosen days.  It has already been a good tool to develop good prayer habits for us.  If there is a particular date or day that you would like (even if it's a duplicate...the more the merrier), let us know either on Facebook or by e-mailing us.

Each letter of financial or prayer support, whether it be snail mail or e-mail, is a bit of the extraordinary.  Each one is a small miracle.  Thank you all for praying, supporting and being a part of watching miracles happen.

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